Thursday, January 13, 2011


A thriller is a genre of a film. A thriller is a unique genre as it is an umbrella genre which means that it hybrids with all other genres very well. In the opening of a typical thriller they usually open with just a few characters, limited locations and they do not have that much dialogue. This is probably done to introduce the main characters and to establish the main setting. It also gives adds mystery to the film. Thriller are made up of different elements and conventions. Most good and typical thrillers include conventions such as; knives, blood, crime, darkness, guns and many more. Elements and conventions like these are used to identify thrillers. Finally most thrillers follow a typical narrative cycle and they usually start with everything being calm, then the calm being disrupted, then a disequilibrium and finally a resolution.


Thrillers are aimed obviously for entertainment, but thrillers do not really entertain the viewers by exciting them or by creating feelings of happiness, but to create feelings of fear, anxiety, unease and confusion.  Many thrillers also make the audience question what is going on constantly which keeps the viewer in the dark and makes them feel vulnerable.  Good thrillers will also create alot of mystery and suspense, which will keep the audience on the edge of their seats and uncomfortable.