Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Analysis of a thriller opening - Shutter island

Analysis of opening of Shutter island

Shutter island opens with a long shot of a boat appearing slowly out of some mist on sea. The way the boat comes out of the mist could possibly suggest that something is being hidden. The use of the mist creates mystery and tension. The boat is in the middle of an ocean and is isolated which puts the characters in a vulnerable position. Isolation is also a thriller convention. The lighting in this scene is bright from the natural lighting which puts the audience in a false sense of security.

The next shot is a high angled shot of Leonardo Dicaprio throwing up in a sink on the boat. The use of the high angle makes the protagonist look and inferior and low as he is feeling low.
The lighting in this shot is dim which could reflect on the way the character is feeling.

Leonardo Dicaprio then walks out of the bathroom and picks up his long grey detective style coat and a grey detective style top hat. This portrays that he is a detective. The shot used here is a eye level shot which conveys that now he is feeling better and his status goes back up from being inferior. The lighting in this shot is bright from natural lighting shining in through the windows of the boat. The bright lighting reflects on the characters emotions and backs up the idea that he is feeling better now and is in a better position.

The next camera shot is a eye level shot which conveys that everything is still normal. The lighting in this shot is still quite bright which still portrays that he is feeling better. The bright lighting is also still keeping the audience in a false sense of security. The two detectives are smoking in this shot which kind of stereotypes cops.

The next shot is an extreme long shot/ establishing shot which shows the island appearing out of the mist. This again could suggest that something is being hidden. The island is isolated in the middle of the ocean which puts the characters in a very vulnerable position. The water through this scene looks artificial, which could reflect on the storyline of the film. The island is in an extreme territory which conveys a harsh environment. The clearing of the mist and the appearing of the island creates a sense if mystery and suspense.

The opening of the film ends when Leonardo Dicaprio and his partner reach the isolated island.

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