Thursday, May 12, 2011

Evaluation Task 1

Evaluation 1
(Long shot)
This the opening shot and it is a long shot of a young school or college boy about to go into a forest.  I think a long shot was the appropriate shot for the opeing as it establishes the setting and the surrouding and it also allows the audience to see where the character is and that this is an isolated location which portrays that the character is vulnerable.  Also in this shot is a mysterious figure in the distance watching the young boy as is about to turn into the forest.  I think this shot is quite good as the framing is good, but it could be slightly improved if the mysterious figure in the distance could move a bit further back as he is quite visible which was not the aim.

(POV long shot)
This is a POV long shot of a young school/college boy walking through a forest casually being watched by someone.  This shot is effective as the hand-held POV shot creates mystery and it makes the audience start thinking about who is whatching this young boy and what their plans are, it also shows thing from the stalkers perspective.  We can tell by the way this person is hinding behind the trees and buches that his intentions are likely to be unpleasent.  The long shot is also effective as it allows the audience to see how vulnerable the young boy is.  We used a mysty effect for this shot and all of the POV shots so that the viewer will be able to tell when the young boy is being watched.  The mysty effect unsettles the audience and adds to making the audience think that this person has bad intentions.  I do not think this shot could be improved as the framing is perfect, the type of shot used is perfect and we used the perfect effect for this shot.

(POV tilted long shot)
This is another POV long shot of the young school/college boy walking through the firest as he is being watched by someone.  This shot is effective in mostly the same ways as the last shot.  It is still hand-held which adds to the realism, it is still a POV which adds to the realism and allows the audience to see things from the stalkers perspective.  It is still a long shot which allows the audience to see the whole of the character and his surroundings, which portrays this characters vulnerability.  The mysty effect conveys that this is a POV from the stalker which unsettles the viewer, also in this shot we decided to show the stalkers hand leaning on the tree as he tilts his head to watch the young boy, this unveils part of this myterious character, but still makes this character mysterious.  The hand covered in a glove again conveys that the intentions of this character are not good.  I think this shot is quite good and does not really need improvement as the framing is good and the shot choice is good.

(POV pan shot)
This is a POV pan shot of the young boy walking deeper into the forest with the stalker still watching him.  These shots are effective as the POV conveys to the audience that the young boy is being watched and is possibly in danger.  The pan shot follows the character and mimics the movement of the stalker which makes it more realistic.  The mysty effect again adds to making the film more mysterious and it also gives the audience a sense of vulnerability.  This shot is quite good as we held the shot for the appropriate time and the framing was good.

 (POV extreme long shot)
This is a POV extreme long shot of the young boy relieving himself, whilst the stalker is watching him.  The POV again adds to the realism and shows the audience a view from the stalkers perspective.  The extreme long shot is good as the open space around the young boy makes him seem more vulnerable, but the distance between the two characters gives a false sense of safety for the young boy.  This shot could be improved if the young boy was not covered by the branches on the tree behind him.  The use of the hand on the tree was a motif and is a shot the audience will recognise and be familiar with.

(POV close up)
This is another POV shot of the young boy relieving himself when the stalker comes up vehind him and is just about to grab him.  The use of the POV is also a motif which the audience will be familiar with.  This shot conveys to the audience how the killer sees things and we feel worried and scared for the audience as the young boy is still unaware of the situation.  This shot is well framed and the close up is appropriate as we feel like we are right near the action.  Therefore I do not think that this shot needs to be improved.

(long shot)
This is a medium long shot of the young boy spotting something in the bushses as he bends down to pick his bag up.  I think the use of the medium shot is appropraite as it allows the viewer to see the young boy’s body language as he spots the object.  This shot could be improved if we went a bit closer towards the young boy so that as well as seeing his body language we could also see his facial expressions.

This is a POV from the young boy looking at the dead body.  The use of the POV  is a good idea as the viewer will also feel like they are in the shot and are seeing the body for themselves.  This shot could be improved If instead of using a POV we used a close up of the young boy as this way we would be able to see the reaction of the young boy.  It could also be improved if we could see the whole of dead body.

Evaluation task 2

Here are two images of.  The image on the left hand side is an image of the killer from the thriller we made called ‘Copycat’.  When we thought about our killer we tried to make him have some of the same properties of another famous killer and we tried to relate the two killers.  As you can see the shot we used to establish the killer is a similar shot used to establish Mike Myers from the Halloween movies.  We also covered the killers face in our thriller by making him wear a mask, just as Mike Myers wears a mask.  We thought that by imatating some of the same things from a famous killer like Mike Myers, the killer from our thriller would be more scary and intimidating.  Although we wanted some similaraties between our killer and Mike Myers, we also wanted the two killers to be different so that it was not just the same.  Unlike Mike Myers who has his face covered, but still viewable we wanted our killer to be completely covered to add to the mystery which is why we completely covered him with a hood and a mask.  These are the similarities between our killer and Mike Myers.

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