Thursday, May 5, 2011

Treatment for Ripper

Ripper is a horror – thriller aimed at 18+ target audience.  Ripper is about a Jack the Ripper type serial killer who uniquely kills his victims early morning and leaves his trademark which is a red rose on his victim’s dead bodies.  The mysterious killer kills several people without leaving no evidence and no clues, but just one time he makes a fatal mistake which could possibly lead to his capture.
In the opening of this thriller the ripper has just killed someone and he is walking out of the mist cleaning his bloody knife, but as he is doing this he is witnessed.  The killer notices that someone has seen him, but he plays it cool and carries on, but as the young boy takes his eyes of the killer for a second to record him on his phone he looses track of the killer.  The young boy turns around and the killer is behind him and he kills the witness and this is when the film will start.
The killer will be aged around early 40’s and although he imitates a jack the ripper style killing he does not have a specific group of victims, instead he kills anyone who is in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Also all the killer’s victims are in and around the same are just like Jack the ripper.  The killers clothing will be dark and he obviously has a low status in the public’s eye.  The name given to the killer by the police is the ‘daylight ripper’.
This thriller is aimed to keep the audience on the edge of their seats and enticed.  It is also aimed to thrill the audience by using thriller elements and aspects which make good thrillers, such as; a red herring, mystery, darkness, knives, isolated locations and eerie music, these are just a few elements that are essential to include when thinking about making a good thriller that the target audience will get a good thrill from.

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