Thursday, May 5, 2011

Minutes of meeting

Present:               Harkishan, Ashley, Phil, Abdourahman
Absent:                                N/A

In this minute meeting my group and I discussed where we were at with all of the work, such as, the blog, and the production work.  And how much more we needed to do and who was going to do what. 
What we have done:
As we discussed our progress so far we realise realised what had been done and what had not been done.  The work we had done was; the group production schedule, shooting schedule, shooting script, script, storyboard, treatments, focus group, questionnaires and the filming.
What we need to do:
During the discussion we also came up with a list of work that still needed to be done which was; to fix up the script, to fix up the storyboard, type up the minute meetings, edit the film and make some little changes to other pieces of work, like the shooting schedule, the production schedule and the shooting script.
Once we had noted down all the work that had be completed and all the work that needed to be completed we split the work between the group members to complete.

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