Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Treatment for Copycat Killer

This thriller movie is called ‘Copycat killer’, which is about a Jack the ripper like killer who is going on a killing spree in a small town.  The main story is about a serial killer who keeps on killing people, but without leaving any clues or trails.  This killer is different to Jack the ripper only because he does not kill a specific group of people, his victims are anyone in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

The thriller opens of with a young boy walking by a forest when he desperately needs to relieve himself, so he decides to go deep into the forest to do his business.  Although the young boy hesitates to go deep into the forest he still does.  After the young boy relieves himself he picks up his bag to leave, but he spots something in the distance.  He moves towards the object to investigate and discovers a dead body.  He realizes he needs to get out of the forest and call for help, but when he turns around the killer is standing before him.

Throughout the course of the film the killer kills many innocent victims and he confuses the police by not leaving any clues or evidence, but one time he makes a mistake which leads to disastrous events for him.  The opening of this film is about 2 minutes long and the whole film is about an hour and 58 minutes long.

The main setting for the opening of this thriller is the forest which becomes a sort of theme for this film.

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